Monday, 7 February 2011

More research for visual essay

A few weeks I begun my research into the world of televsion and film, as the pathway I plan for my second year will be film I felt I needed a better understanding of how this industry works.

So far I have looked at some mainstream directors such as Ridley Scott, Danny Boyle and George A Romero however now I will be looking at people such as Stacey Dooley who has gone onto make a number of documentries since appearing in a one off TV show called Blood, Sweat and T-shirts.

Blood, Sweat and T-shirts focused on 6 young adults who were sent to the Far East in search of how our day to day products are made and the  true price of how they are made.

Once Stacey had completed her 6 weeks away upon her return she then decided to make a series of  documentries highlighting the injustices of the retail industry and what really needs to change.

Stacey Dooley Stacey Dooley now makes documentries for BBC Three

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