Tuesday, 8 February 2011

Examples of Convergence (Threshold concepts series)

As part of our course looking at the Threshold Concept series we were required to look at three main titles and they were:
1. Narrative
2. Interactive

Over the last three weeks we have taken an in-depth look into what they're meaning are and how they affect Multimedia and the culture we live in.
Last week and yesterday we watched video from a series called the "TED talks", these can be found the youtube and they feature specialists from different universities and various technology institutions giving talks on their chosen subjects.

In our lecture yesterday Monday 7th Feb we looked at the last title in the series which focused on convergence and then we  discussed how we felt it related to the following things; New media, culture and brand ifinity.

I then put forward an example of where I thought convergence was used and this was the film called "Stay Alive" which sees the characters in the film die exactly how they did in the video game they were playing.

The TED talks:

The paradox choice

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