Sunday, 30 October 2011

Taking an in-depth look into "The Shinning" By Stephan King

The video clip above is the iconic scene featuring Jack Nicholson in Stephan King's "The Shinning". His character has completely lost the plot and is now on a murderous war path and will stop at nothing until he gets what he wants.
In this scene the camera has zoomed in for a close up of Johnny's wife as she is overwhelmed with terror only clutching a knief for protection as she hides behind a door for safety. This shot really empathsises what her character is going through as the audience begin to feel emotion for the character and willing for her to escape his evil clutches.
With  regards to  the lighting as this film was shot in 1978 the lighting comes across as cloudy and ever so slightly blurry, this I feel adds to the sinister undertone that the film has. As an audience member you become immediately drawn into what is happening as each scene captivates without needing an special effects compared to films right now.

Despite the general cinematography being fairly basic compared to horror films right now The Shinning still managed to scare its audience and left them feeling slightly shaken by the story portrayed on screen.

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