Sunday, 30 October 2011

Taking an in-depth look into "The Shinning" By Stephan King

The video clip above is the iconic scene featuring Jack Nicholson in Stephan King's "The Shinning". His character has completely lost the plot and is now on a murderous war path and will stop at nothing until he gets what he wants.
In this scene the camera has zoomed in for a close up of Johnny's wife as she is overwhelmed with terror only clutching a knief for protection as she hides behind a door for safety. This shot really empathsises what her character is going through as the audience begin to feel emotion for the character and willing for her to escape his evil clutches.
With  regards to  the lighting as this film was shot in 1978 the lighting comes across as cloudy and ever so slightly blurry, this I feel adds to the sinister undertone that the film has. As an audience member you become immediately drawn into what is happening as each scene captivates without needing an special effects compared to films right now.

Despite the general cinematography being fairly basic compared to horror films right now The Shinning still managed to scare its audience and left them feeling slightly shaken by the story portrayed on screen.

The Malac script and making it our own

As a introduction to our first week back to uni as 2nd year students, we were each assigned groups and given a script called Malac. Each member of our group was given the opportunity to pick a role which we felt would suit us best.
After we had picked our roles we then decided what the malac should be and where the filming should take place.
To help us with the script we were shown a few previous Malac films from a cuople of years ago which were done by 3rd years. The films were completely different to each other with some coming across as more serious whilst others portrayed a much funnier side.

With this in mind our group decided to have a mixture of both as we plan to start the film off with a sinister undertone but towards the end make it more humourous by having the malac as a dildo, however on the day  of filming we couldn't get  hold of the dildo and instead we had to improvise. In terms of other props we needed  for the shoot, as our director of photography was friends with people on Theatre Design he  was able to borrow a liquid nitrogen machine to create the smoky effect we wanted.

In terms of the location we decided to shoot in a basement of a member of our group's homes, we also hired an actor for the male lead and I was the female lead.
The filming took just over two hours and during this time we found ourselves shooting  and re-shooting scenes we wernt happy with.

When it came to editing the end result was quite surprising as the film ended up being in the style of a movie trailer as apposed to a film.
This caused not only confusion but also criticism from lectures and fellow peers, the group should have been there to oversee the editing instead of leaving it all to one person.

Overall despite the movie trailer inspired edit I was impressed with how the group did and the end result.

Thursday, 27 October 2011

My Main Idea

Last week saw the group I was in present three ideas for our 30 second ad called "Say Something Poltical". In terms of what my ideas were the first one would have been based on the cancellation of EMA, this topic interested me because the EMA system was created for the the purpose of encouraging teenagers to attend college on a regular basis.
Also  depending on the income of the parents the teenagers could get between £10-£30  each week which would have paid into their account directly.
However I was then recommended to change the topic as this was deemed not very interesting.

My second idea saw me look into the world of celebrity and our peeping tom society. I feel that over the last few years the media has given us the power to make us feel like celebrities owe us in some way. I then began to look into the rise of  the so called "super  injunction" which was brought into circulation only a few years  ago.
We first heard of the super injunction when Max Mosley requested one to prevent details of his sordid sex life reaching the public domain.
Since then  a number of celebrities have taken them out to try and prevent the same situation happening to them, however my question is if  a member of the the general public requested one for their own personal reasons would the courts allow it? or would they say no on the grounds of not enough money?

Now my finalised idea sees me look into privacy a bit more deeper as I explore, celeb phone hacking, the exploitation of ongoing murder enquires and what is the true cost of privacy and can everybody afford it.

Friday, 21 October 2011

Original Idea for "Say Something Political Brief"

My Original Idea was going to be based on the slashing of EMA (Education Maintainance Allowance). I wanted to highlight how it would result in many college students not bothering to go and better themselves.

However Jooles quickly dismissed this as boring.

Thursday, 20 October 2011

" Say Something Political" Brief Week 1

As part of my Say Something Political brief I am required to create a 30 second advert of any topic of my choice. I have decided to focus on how us as the general public feel that we own celebrities because of the  way they are portrayed in the media.
In terms of the type of research I plan to collect as many newspapers as I can which have sensational stories printed on their front pages also I will be looking into 30 second adverts which put a more comical spin on serious issues,
Finally as I strongly feel the media have created a "Peeping Tom" society where through the means of social networking sites such as Twitter and Facebook we can reach any celebrity we desire at the click of a button and in more serious case even contact directly to express our opinion i.e. Twitter abuse.

Here is a clip of "Peeping  Tom" Horror film:

Here are a few iamges of celebrities who have been in the spotlight recently.

Ryan Giggs earlier this year took out a super injuction to prevent details of his affair with Imogen Thomas coming out however he was outed on Twitter by three other famous celebrities who could now face criminal charges.
Most recently Rio Ferdinan tried to prevent details of his 13 year affair becoming public knowledge, however the judge ruled against it and if it was in the public's interest to know.

They say its within our interest to know as the public however if the shoe was on the other foot wouldn't we want to act the same?

Idea one

Third Idea