Monday, 7 March 2011

Monday 31st March "Reflection"

"The reflection lecture with Simon"

In today's lecture we looked at the process of reflection and how it can reallt improve your work. As future designers we are forever creating, sketching and perfecting the things we design however if it doesnt turn out the way we hoped then we must return to our initiall design to see where it all went wrong.

Reflection gives you the opportunity to take a step back and anaylise everything you need to from the good to the bad. In addition to us looking at reflection and the design process our classed watched a video which demonstrated different examples of the design process and also how education has changed over the years.

The video took an in-depth look at the educational system and how it may only benefit a small number of people. As the current system was created around the industrial revolution period this has made it increaslying harder for student from working class backgrounds to reek any benefits regarding their education and has made it easier to segregate more students.

After watching the video we had a group discussion and read the notes and key points we made during the film to each other to show that we understood the points highlighted and how they related to what we're doing and going through as creative individuals.

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