Saturday, 22 January 2011

Favourite film directors (chosen pathway)

As second year multimedia requires me to have chosen a particular pathway I have decided to choose Audio- Visual (film) despite having to film our first group's One Shot film before christmas in the freezing cold temperatures brought on by snow, it has not deterred me and seeing the end result made me really want to persue this pathway.

Currently for this term's work I am in a group of girls shooting a two minute film called "Ticket" and the role which I have taken upon is Camera and Lighting as I saw this as an opportunity to gain a new skill and explore fliming more.

Here are some of my favourite directors:

Directors for my research
1.       Danny  Boyle
Films:  Sunshine, Slumdog Millionaire, The Beach. 127 Hours, 28 Days Later and Trainspotting.
                This is one of my favourite directors because I love the way he engages with the audience through telling the story. By the end of the film you really feel you have taken the journey with the characters too.
2.       George a Romero

Films:  Dawn of the Dead, Day of the Dead, The Crazies, Night of the Living Dead, Jack’s Wife/ Season of the Witch.
I love the way George Romero really makes the zombies come to life and as a result you sometimes feel that the zombies could be real and despite it being fiction, zombies could easily take over  the earth.

3.  Ridley Scott
Films:  Alien, Gladiator, Hannibal and Robin Hood (2010)
I feel that Ridley goes deep into the characters minds and emotions which conveys on screen, his films are always legendary and leaves you with somewhat of an attachment to the characters and what they’ve gone through.

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